Why, of course, Arizona is the backdrop for both events, separated by about 80 years. What is dissimilar? My book, Disbarment, is fiction, and its setting is, Tucson, Arizona. What took place in Tombstone, Arizona on October 26, 1881, between brothers, Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp, together with their buddy, Doc Holiday, when they encountered brothers, Ike and Billy Clanton and brothers, Frank and Tom McLaury, made historical lore; and is non-fiction.

Picture this: on that eventful day in Tombstone, there was about 30 seconds of gunfire in an area no larger than your average convenience food store. All were killed or wounded, except for Marshall Wyatt Earp, who survived without a scratch. Unheralded in the drama that unfolded was Wells W Spicer, who was the Justice of the Peace, who presided over the trial that followed. He had written an article in Tucson’s Arizona Daily Star in February, 1880, describing Tombstone as ” A population of 1,500 people, with two dance houses, a dozen gambling (, places, over twenty saloons and more than 500 gamblers. Still there is hope; for I know of two Bibles in town, and I have one of them (borrowed).” Tombstone was also a place where it was common to find individuals with more than one occupation, like a gambler who was also a lawman, a judge who also a prospector and a well-known gunslinger, who was also a dentist. Wells Spicer was admitted to the Arizona Bar in 1880. He was a member of the Republican party and quickly became influential. His friend, Charles G.W. French, a former legislator, appointed Spicer the justice of the Peace. Unlike modern times, Spicer had some federal criminal authority and could hear cases involving violations of internal revenue and customs laws. He could not conduct a murder case, but he, could hold a preliminary hearing on a murder charge. Ike Clanton filed murder charges against Wyatt, Morgan and Virgil Earp and Doc Holiday. Morgan and Virgil were not served because they were still recovering from gunshot wounds, so only Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday were the Defendants at the trial.



“Hi Dr. Blog, do you have a few minutes to answer some questions?” Rusty, an ambitious young man in his 20s, interested in setting up an online business, asked with evident curiosity.

Dr. Blog, a bit stooped over, wearing rimless glasses that pinched his nose, paused, showing signs of impatience.” What do you have in mind young man?”
” Well, first of all let me introduce to you my girlfriend, Susie, who is going to be my partner in business selling widgets and gidgets.”

Dr. Blog, now squinting through his glasses, obviously used for reading only, studied the wide-eyed, attractive young lady, who seemed as” green around the gills,” as her companion. “Everyone talks about social media these days.
Everyone says that in order to be successful you have to do a great deal of blogging. That bothers us we don’t know a darn thing about it,” she timidly said.
A smile creased the good doctor’s wrinkled face. “I have to laugh, because you are dealing with a subject that many so—called experts are quick to find an answer, and yet, do not have an answer. If algorithms could speak, I’m not sure they could give you a better answer. I hope that I’ve puzzled you, because that may provoke you to “stab at it and then stab some more,” which may lead to some positive results.”
Susie cheerfully offered,” we read about search engine optimization, then we read about keywords, another article tells us all about words and phrases. That’s the reason we came to you because you’re so learned and we hope to get some specific answers.”
“Hah! Don’t humor me,” he lashed out.” I’m trying to tell you that it’s all about experimentation and it isn’t easy.” The best answer is to retain all of the components you mention, such as keywords, words and phrases, and so on but the best answer is to write creatively in an innovative manner, so as to attract readers. You’ll constantly be involved in seeking out new subjects that will “raise eyebrows” and be of interest to viewers. The more interest, the more readers, the more readers, the more link-back to your website; that that `opens the door’ to a build-up in traffic. Once you build traffic, the algorithms recognize the trend and your rankings improve. I reckon that’s what the so-called experts would call `search engine optimization’.

“That does not sound too easy,” Rusty piped in.” “Oh, gloom,” chimed Susie.
“Easy, who said anything about easy rotation?” Dr. Blog bellowed. “On the other hand, consider this. If you get the `hang’ of it, you create distance between yourself and other adventurers seeking to do the same darn thing.”
“Thank you Dr. Blog, I feel that I’ve learned, and yet, my head is going around in circles,” Rusty replied, putting his arm around his girlfriend, looking into her eyes. They both seemed to express the same thought, ‘we have much to learn.’


What Gains Have Women Made in the Past 50 Years?

In the early 1960s, which is the setting for my book, entitled Disbarment, Tucson, Arizona’s metropolitan area, population had grown to about 100,000 people and was on a steady upward pace thereafter. To the best of my knowledge only two female attorneys were practicing at that time. Earlier in 1957 when I graduated from law school there was only one females in the graduating class. Now, fast- forward some 50 years later. It was recently announced that female lawyers comprise approximately 1/3 of all legal practitioners.

This trend has continued “across the board.” Women have now assumed leadership positions in business, politics, the professions, and a whole host of other fields of endeavor. Consider the following: Meg Whitman is the CEO of Hewlett and Packard; Marissa Mayer is the CEO of Yahoo; Ann Weaver Hart is the President of the University of Arizona; our last three Secretaries of State, comprising the Clinton, Bush, and now the Obama administration are female. Going one step further, Condoleeza Rice, who served under the Bush administration, was the first black Secretary of State. It’s safe to say that it’s just a matter of time before we will have a female president. After all, starting in 1969 Golda Meir served as Prime Minister of Israel; Marie Thatcher was Prime Minister of England from 1969 to 1990. Presently the Chancellor of Germany is Angela Merkel.

These breakthroughs by women apparently have assisted in
“opening the door” for the rights of minorities. Latinos are the fastest-growing minority populations in the country and more and more are assuming leadership positions. Orientals constitutes the largest group of minority immigrants legally allowed to participate in our education system, and many are excellent scholars. Blacks now dominate in most major sports, and additionally are gaining stature in acting, politics, music, business, and many other positions of stature in our country.

Equality has taken a long time among all people of all races, color, and creeds to reach an equal level. Granted, there are still gaps, discrepancies, prejudices among groups and individuals, but it is reassuring to see that equality is increasing at an accelerated pace. This all goes back the vision of the United States Supreme Court ruling in 1954 in the case of Brown vs. the Board of Education that the “separate but equal doctrine,” existing at the time constituted discrimination. Yes, the various segments of society were free, but they were still isolated and were denied many opportunities, which are now more open to them. Gone is the practice that blacks are not allowed in certain hotels, country clubs, restaurants, and no longer do they have to go to the “rear of the bus.”

We, as a country, and we as a people, have grown up. This is what democracy is all about.


A Moment in Time

One of the more memorable song sung by Whitney Houston was the melodious A Moment In Time. A portion of the lyrics are:
I want one moment in time

When I’m more that I thought I could be

When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away

And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time

When I’m racing with destiny

Then in that one moment of time

I will feel

I will feel eternity
Certainly as a singer she had her moment in time and “raced with destiny.” Yet, as a fellow human being granted the greatest of all moments in time, life itself, she neglected part of her dreams that were still another heartbeat away.
I am saddened.


Is it True that All Crimes are Bad But Not All Taken Seriously?

The following is an excerpt from my book, Disbarment, a legal thriller, by a lawyer
arguing before the Supreme Court of Arizona:

“It’s been said that everybody has his price and that we are all only average honest. Even the more honorable cheat on their income tax returns. Businessmen every day pocket cash revenues and don’t report them. This practice is tolerated by society so long as they, of course, do not get ‘caught’. Society even has different levels of honesty and it works something like this: It’s tolerable to cheat insurance companies, lie about your children’s ages at the theater ticket booth, and, of course, cheat on income tax returns.”
Seymour paused, collecting his thoughts. Chief Justice Haskins seemed amused by his analysis. Seymour looked at the other justices, not so much to read their faces — such thoughts didn’t occur to him, but to see if he was holding their attention. Seeing two of the justices looking at the clock bothered him.
He softened his voice, the change of pace causing lowered eyes to rise. “It is less tolerable, but sometimes accepted, if we cheat on examinations, lie about our age to draft boards, steal money from our mother’s purse, or forget to tell the cashier at the restaurant that the waitress charged for one bowl of soup instead of two. Then, of course, we reach the intolerable limit. It is completely intolerable to rob a grocery store or to take another person’s life.”
Seymour began walking, again pounding his fist into his open hand in open protest to the outrages. The feeling of the courtroom had changed to uneasiness. Justice Pratt yawned wide, emitting a gasp as he inhaled deeply. “These inconsistent levels of honesty must be done away with. We must strengthen our moral fiber. Are Mr. Grewe’s actions distinguishable from the trusted bank employee who embezzles funds? Mr. Hardy would have you believe so. I don’t see it. I lack Mr. Hardy’s eloquence. I don’t have his appearance. But I have something that he doesn’t have.” Seymour stopped at his counsel table, his throat suddenly dry and his memory suddenly imprinted with that of a fat little boy of 14 standing before the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., touched deeply by the symbol of those principles for which the great man stood. To Seymour, that was the turning point in his life. Then and there his future was decided. He would become a lawyer. “I have justice on my side and it doesn’t ask why a wrongful act was committed!”


Are We Only Average Honest?

The following excerpt from the courtroom scene in my book, Disbarment, distinguishes the various levels of honesty presented by Seymour Binser, lawyer for the State Bar of Arizona. It is his way of building up to the conclusion that the Defendant’s behavior was totally unjustified.

“It’s been said that everybody has his price, and that we are all honest, but only to an average degree. Even the more honorable cheat on their income tax returns. Businessmen every day pocket cash revenues and don’t report them. This practice is tolerated by society so long as they, of course, do
not get ‘caught.’ Society even has different levels of honesty and it works something like this: It’s tolerable to cheat insurance companies, lie about your children’s ages at the theater ticket booth, and, of course, cheat on income tax returns.
Seymour paused, collecting his thoughts. Chief Justice Haskins seemed amused by his analysis. Seymour looked at the other justices, not so much to read their faces — such thoughts didn’t occur to him — but to see if he was holding their attention. Seeing two of the justices looking at the clock bothered him.
He softened his voice, the change of pace causing lowered eyes to rise. “It is less tolerable, but sometimes accepted, if we cheat on examinations, lie about our age to draft boards, steal money from our mother’s purse, or forget to tell the cashier at the restaurant that the waitress charged for one bowl of soup instead of two. Then, of course, we reach the intolerable limit.

It is completely intolerable to rob a grocery store or to take another person’s life.”


Is Shopping at a Grocery Store More Dangerous than Living Next to a Chemical Plant?

Such a headline, though non-sensible, invites curiosity.

Consider this:
Compact discs, food cans, toys, dental sealants, beverage bottles contain Bibphenol A (BPA), which uses polycarbonate plastics. Particularly they are used as an interior lining of a can containing food.

Laundry detergents, shampoos, household cleaners, latex paints, etc., all contain monyfphenol ethoxylates, which have been associated with reproductive systems.
Widely used water, grease and stpain detergents contained in the coatings of nonstick cookware, cardboard food packaging, stain protection added to carpet and clothing, are perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs).

Flame retardants, including PBDE, are added to upholstered furniture and mattresses, including many products for babies, plus textiles plastics electronics.
Pithalates make plastics more malleable and are found in vinyl shower curtains toys vinyl flooring; we also help emotions penetrate skin often found in cosmetics, fragrances, air fresheners, cleaning products and nail polish.

So, where are we? Maybe living next to a chemical plant is less dangerous, but we still have to eat, sleep and live! What about doing so in a safer manner by becoming more aware of environment conditions surrounding us?


Is it Possible That Selling Girl Scout Cookies Can Actually Be a “Tragedy?”

Sounds very strange to associate the word “tragedy” with that wonderful and respected organization known as the Girl Scouts. After all, don’t they stand for building character, healthier ways of life, respect for fellow human beings, principles of education, and a multitude of other virtuous beliefs and standards?

Yet, does that mean that they can do no wrong? Does that mean they, too, cannot commit an act of hypocrisy?

At the present time there is an obesity epidemic among teenage boys and girls. ,Diabetes, in particular, has risen among this younger set. How then, knowing the high standards of the Girl Scouts, could they, even though they wish to raise money for a worthwhile cause, sell an unhealthy sugar product?

That is so inconsistent. On one hand they teach health, and then on the other hand, they do not practice what they preach. Parents, no doubt innocently, just go along. Well, this is one situation where we should not “go along.” As the old saying goes, “the end does not justify the means.”

I’m hopeful that the organizational leaders of the Girl Scouts will find a substitute that is healthy and still tasty to sell in the future.


What About the Wonderful World of Wondering?

I often ask myself what creative ideas and endeavors will future generations suddenly shout out “eureka!?” Many would criticize such queries as useless, time—consuming, and an encroachment upon time that could be put to better use.

I maintain it is purposeful. When you expand your mind and think imaginatively, you create new pathways in your brain, and who knows, some of these thoughts may become a reality in the not-to-distance-future, or at least, may trigger off some present—day actions.

Having said all that, here are some of those things that I wonder about:
To solve the over—population of the world, which is presently consuming too much of the world’s resources, including its minerals, food, energy, and a multiple of other consumables, I wonder if we will someday colonize another planet?

Will our bodies eventually consist of practically all bionic parts, and if so, will advanced science ever be able to duplicate the brain’s ability to create original thought?

Will hover-mobiles someday run over rather than on our highways, so as to reduce or eliminate wear and tear on our roads?

Will an international organization run by NATO, or a similar international organization, own, manage and control all new colonies formed on new planets?

Will people live for hundreds of years because we will totally replace our bodies with organic bionic parts (except maybe for the brain)?
Will someday almost all farms be run under roof in climate controlled hypodronic shelves containing lubricated soils producing more abundant plant foods?

As oil is discovered in the Arctic regions, who will own the mineral deposits, since as I understand it, the Arctic regions are not presently owned by any nation or nations?

Will life become duller as more and more things are done for us? Consider:
Sensor-regulated housecleaning and automatic vacuums with ” eyes” that cleanse our homes; Computers that operate as directed by our thoughts; Medical maintenance chips embedded within our body that monitor our bodies so that they work properly and administer medications as necessary; Robots with advanced artificial intelligence that manage almost all of our affairs with the possible exception of originating new creative ideas.

Obviously, I could go on and on, because I never stop ” wondering.”


How Does Vet Court Benefit Veterans?

What follows is meritorious! Other legal — sounding words commonly used by lawyers that would apply are judicial, prudent, reasonable, and moral. Using words that are expressed in everyday society would be compassionate, understanding, unselfish, and gracious.

Both law students and lawyers have “stepped up to the plate” and have volunteered their time and skills to assist veterans and service members, who are still in the military. This is a growing trend within the country.

In Arizona, Vet Courts students are supervised by attorneys, who are willing to dedicate their time to help those veterans with behavior — altering injuries. The Vet Court defendants frequently suffer from Post — Traumatic stress disorder parentheses (PTSD) or a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

How does it operate? There are a few ways:
If a veteran suffers from PTSD or TBI, and the illness is military connected, the Vet court works to connect the defendant with rehabilitative therapy.
If a veteran needs assistance with civil matters, a network of volunteer attorneys to help with legal issues is provided.(Servicemen stationed locally are not considered veterans and do not qualify for assistance from the Vet court).

If a veteran has been denied VA or military benefits, they can have the case evaluated by a law student, medical student, and an experience lawyer.
Representation is also provided for in criminal matters.

Once in a while you run into something that is magnificent and meritorious. Vet Court is one of them!